Date(s) - Sep 16, 2021
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Suicide Prevention in Nursing Webinar Series – Part 3
Presented by Arkansas Nurses Association
In recognition of Suicide Prevention Awareness month, this five-part series will be provided as live, virtual sessions through ZOOM every Thursday during the month of September beginning at 5:00 pm.
It’s a topic few want to talk about, but the sad truth is that nurses died by suicide at twice the rate of the general population. This 5-part series will explore the causes and indications of nurses who take their own lives and look at ways their colleagues can recognize and help support the at-risk before the unspeakable happens. Protecting your own mental wellness with strategies to cope with stress and burnout are highlighted to help us all be more mindful of our state of resilience.
Pre-registration for each part of the series is required.
Part 3: September 16
Improving Mental Health, Resiliency and Job Satisfaction in Nurses with the Evidence-based MINDBODYSTRONG™ Program
Presenters: Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, PhD, APRN-CNP, FAANP, FNAP, FAAN and Jacqueline Hoying, PhD, RN
Description: This part of the series will examine the current state of mental health, burnout and well-being in nurses across the U.S. with its adverse consequences. MINDBODYSTRONG, an evidence-based cognitive-behavioral skills building program, and the evidence supporting it will be highlighted as a key strategy for decreasing anxiety and depression as well as improving mental resiliency and job satisfaction in nurses.